The Republican Party is not the same party my father and his best friends became members of back in the late 40's when these three best friends survived and returned from WWII. Friends since grade school, after Pearl Harbor, all three dropped out of Eugene High in their senior year at seventeen, each convincing their parents to sign notes allowing them to join the military. They signed up together but were soon split up. My dad Sid, ended up in munitions on an aircraft carrier and later was sent to a Philippine Island to work with Seabees building an airstrip. One of only a few comments I ever heard from him about the war: "We only got bombed a few times." Norm went into the Army Air Corp and became a radioman. Got shot down and bailed out into the ocean somewhere and rescued in the nick of time. Clyde, my Masonic Mentor, ended up in Patton's Army and spent the last months helping liberate France and being one Patton's personal couriers. He said to me once, "I shot a lot of bullets but don't know if I killed anyone."
These were three future Republicans. This was the Republican character profile. Fighting for the rights of nation, of others and of self.
Norm stayed a Republican throughout his life. Clyde and my dad became Democrats sometime in the late 70's shortly after the Viet Nam War. Living within blocks of each other throughout my early childhood, I had two "second" dads. A few days after my year older sister Linda, eight, died from childhood leukemia, Clyde took me to my first University of Oregon basketball game at McArthur Court in Eugene. I was still very sad but it felt good to be out from home and at the game with him.
These were Republicans!
Today, the billionaire Koch Brothers' network, "Operates on the scale of a national U.S. Political Party and employs more than three times as many people as the Republican committees had on their payrolls in 2015."
"Koch and his network are making a fifth-column assault on American democratic governance."
The term fifth-column has been applied to stealth supporters of an enemy who assist by engaging in propaganda and even sabotage to prepare the way for its conquest."
"Charles Koch has followed the teachings and example of Vladimir Lenin by dutifully cultivating a trusted "cadre" of high-level operatives just as Lenin had done, to build a movement that refused to compromise as it devised savvy maneuvers to alter the political math in their favor."
"The Koch team's most important stealth move, and the one that proved most critical to success, was to wrest control over the machinery of the Republican Party."
A Koch Network/Republican Party motto: "The focus must shift from "who" rules to changing the rules."
"After studying James McGill Buchanan in the late 1990's, Charles Koch concluded that he had finally found the ideas he had been searching for at least a quarter century that could "save capitalism from democracy - permanently."
By capitalism Charles Koch wants everything privatized, making everything a profit center: prisons, schools, police, fire departments, post offices.... everything! No social programs. Social programs are "Socialism." He and his fellow Republicans have mastered the use of this term to attack anything and everything offered by democrats in the name of democracy.
"For all the fine phrases they make up, what they really seek is a return to oligarchy, to a world in which both economics and effective political power are to be concentrated in the hands of a few."
We can presume that all of the "No" votes on January 6th were under the influence of the Koch network. This definitely also includes Vice President Pence who has close relations with several of the Koch entities as here listed:
Prior to 2008 Charles Koch, along with his mostly atheist libertarian supporters made peace with the white entrepreneurial evangelicals such as Jerry Falwell, Ralph Reed and Tim Phillips who were all happy to sell Koch racist, capitalistic oligarchical economics to their flocks. The list includes hundreds of southern evangelicals such as Dr. James Dobson and his 'Focus on the Family" program. Thirty years ago I would listen to him every morning on my drive into Portland and then six or seven years ago I was stunned while listening to his calm and soothing voice signing-off after a interesting story program when he said, "She's a wonderful Christian and a terrific Republican." His net worth is over 100 million. Guessing Joel Ostrom is tied into the Koch network as well.
In the book, Shadow Network, by Ann Nelson it is stated that more than 2500 radio stations throughout the U.S., mostly the south, southeast are controlled by Koch/Republicans and all promote the expanding capitalist and oligarch Republican narrative of capitalism over democracy at any price.
I mention this because as governor of Hawai'i we need to be aware of the national political playing field so that we can take action when needed to step away quickly. If the Republicans win the senate and the house they will most likely win the presidency in 2024 and they will never give it up. President Putin is their model. What we have seen with Donald Trump is just scratching of the surface. At this point we are close to being trapped into an oligarchical fascist dictatorship where propaganda like we are seeing on Fox News becomes our main type of information, just the same type of propaganda Hitler provided that rallied the people behind his cruel ideologies.
"Adolph Hitler wrote that propaganda's 'task is not to make an objective study of the truth, in so far as it favors the enemy, and then set it before the masses with academic fairness; it's task is to serve our own right, always and unflinchingly.""
Most of the Trump Republican supporters hate liberalism because of "socialism" but it's the red states, especially southern that take the highest percentage annually of federal government aid. The "Blue" states taking the least.
Today's Republicans cannot win an election on merit, logic, reason or policy, but only on lies, manipulation, unfair and illegal control of election outcomes. They are stealing democracy right before our eyes.
By no means am I saying the Democrats are perfect. They've supported invasions of other countries on the basis of freedom and democracy but like with Hawaii, which was admittedly stolen, will not allow for Hawaiian freedom and it's own democracy. Hawai'i benefits as did and does America. However, the election for statehood was similar to the Great Mahele, land division where there was limited to no real understanding by the people of what was happening.
I propose Hawai'i outline a virtual nation for success with a business plan and run parallel as much as possible with our state government and in 2 years vote again the direction for Hawai'i to proceed.
I am not interested in governing by sitting on my hands. If you don't want someone to fight for your rights and for truth, then don't vote for me. I'm looking for a fight. Peacefully! After 200 years of British rule Ghandi had a vision that he never let go of. A goal he passed onto the population and that drove the British away and gained their country back. I believe in a vision, I have a vision of "Surviving into the future."
My vision began as believing that in being isolated from the world Hawai'i could be more like a hiding place to survive the world threats. It was not long onto this avenue I relaized all people of the world, all nations have an obligation to be of the highest service possible to others. For Hawai'i and Hawaiians that begins by becoming an example for coming togehter and living as one people, which requires an action or actions such as cleaning up the islands garbage and incororating food boxes on personal properties as well as planting 20-30,000 fruit trees over the next 2-4 years. We must stop relying on being taken care of by big business and by governments.
Hawai'i - "The Courage to Change."
2790 Kahaloa Drive, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, United States
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