This website is dedicated to King Kamehameha for his bravery, foresight, and determination in unifying the Hawaiian islands; to Queen Lilioukalani for her kind-heartedness, wisdom, and intelligence and her life-altering efforts to restore the islands to their rightful people; and to Haunani-Kay Trask for her beautiful spirit and commitment to her ancestors in fighting for the rights of the native Hawaiian people.
I am Clyde McClain "Mac" Lewman. (In the above collage website picture, wearing a green T-shirt and white cap).
I ran for governor of Hawai'i in 2022 and am on the Manoa Neighborhood Board, and recently resigned from the Manoa District 22 Democratic Council and the Democratic Party. I also ran for U.S. Senate as a Democrat in 2024. Both parties are corrupt in taking corporate money, inside stock trading, and Israeli AIPAC money with the final straw being Gaza and the United States Participation in a genocide. I tried the Green Party which lasted 2 months and because of Jill Stein, I now see it as the Nowhere Party.
Now I see the Democratic Party as weak-willed, and lacking the courage to take a strong stance or position on anything except giving away the islands to mainland developers. Republican Trump and his supporters have become dangerous and untrustworthy and because of the Trump-led insurrection and the stealing of classified documents, he and anyone who supports him is a traitor to the United States Constitution.
If Hitler had won this election, would we simply hand the country over to him? Well, guess what?
Ignoring facts is not justice!
Liking something does not make it right!
Time does not turn a wrong into a right!
Hawai'i is not America!
Hawaii is not Hawaii!
When we become the culture, we become the people. cml
"Human beings achieve greatness only to the extent that they manifest high principals." Swami Kriyananda
I believe in peace, nonviolence, and righteous anger! cml
I am Clyde McClain "Mac" Lewman, Hawai'i former Democratic candidate for the United States Senate and potentially gubernatorial candidate in 2026.
I will fight for greater native Hawaiian rights, including sovereignty, which would include dual citizenship. I will also advocate for a unicameral legislature for Hawaii, similar to Nebraska, as well as the expansion of Neighborhood Boards which are the grassroots of a democratic participatory governance. Democracy is governance from the people upward, not from elected officials downward. The United States is not a democratic government, it is a representative government where the representatives represent their party first, themselves second, and the people somewhere after that, if at all.
A Kingdom-Nation
As an independent kingdom nation, Hawaii can control its own destiny. Hawai'i desperately needs an immigration policy to prevent overcrowding, gentrification, and continual stress on the Hawaiian environment.
The United States needs to purchase all privately held land for the monarchy based on tax-assessed value, and the kingdom should lease it back in perpetuity to the original owners.
The military will retain revised land use privileges. All military agricultural land will be used to produce food crops in agricultural communities when not in direct use by the military.
All Hawaii citizens will have dual citizenship with the United States.
The form of monarchy has yet to be determined. A monarchy can be inherited, elected or appointed by the native First People.
The monarchy can act like a president, vetoing or approving, or as an observer and advisor.
Everyone, eighteen and older will have the right to vote for the unicameral senate or Parliament seats. Unicameral, meaning there is no House of Representative. The King or Queen, the monarchy, will partly fill that role. Elected senators can belong to any party but once elected their oath does not include loyalty to a party, but rather only to the people and to the body to which they have been elected to. On neighborhood boards their is no party affiliation. The board is not interested in what a party thinks, but only the thoughts and ideas of the board members.
Neighborhood board members, discuss issues among themselves with public participation and the members vote on resolutions and include the minutes of each meeting which are then past upward to all officials and are available online for everyone to see. When a board position is available, neighborhood citizens can volunteer to run for the position and each volunteer is allowed 3 minutes to tell why he or she should be on the board and then the board members vote. It's not a multi-year billion-dollar process.
Kamehameha Public School System
No private, church or charter schools. Kamehameha Public Schools or Home School only. All teachers come together under the Kamehameha
Public School Leadership. No one looses their teaching job. All are needed to create the best school system in the world, moving away from materialism and towards spiritualism and survival from a world collapsing into chaos. It is not a question of if it will happen because it is happening now.
Mythologically, Hawai'i is a small remaining portion of Lumeria, which was heart-based. Atlantis was technical and scientific. The future of the world requires more heart-based learning, more community spirit and more public participation in governance. Schools need to teach governance so society can keep improving and no one becomes or feels disenfranchised. The social economic gap needs to close. It is not communism, rather it is communitism.
Food is Freedom
Hawaii has a year-round growing season: Thousands of acres of agricultural land is set aside by the U.S. Military, the state, and the federal government that is not growing food. The state annual budget allocates a fraction of one percent for agriculture. Roughly only 8% of the state's agricultural lands are growing food. This must change! Good farming land takes several years to develop healthy soil and produce healthy and bountiful crops. We need thousands of more fruit trees to be planted over the next few years, which take five to ten years to become productive. We must do our best to stop relying on the mainland as our primary food source. Hawai'i is a slave to food from the mainland just the same as Peuto Rico now is also. We need more private garden boxes and we should begin where practicable turning yards into vegetable gardens.
I was born and raised in Eugene, Oregon, and have always loved America. Everyone is responsible for standing up for truth and justice: “Although you are responsible for promptly obeying all legal orders issued by your leaders, you are obligated to disobey an order to commit a crime.” Participating in overthrowing the legitimate Hawaiian Monarchy was a crime and remains a crime!
The Committee of Safety, backed by the US Marines and approved by the United States, illegally overthrew the sovereign Hawaiian Monarchy. As a member of the United States Congress or as governor, every decision I make will be based on maintaining justice and restoring righteousness to the United States of America wherever, whenever, and however possible, including resolving the sovereignty issue of Hawai'i.
January 17, 1893, is the official date Hawai'i was stolen by 13 mostly white, American-descended businessmen with the help of 162 armed and bayonetted US Marines from the USS Boston.
When I was running for the U.S. Senate, The Civil Beat asked me a series of questions. This is my response to the first question on 7/14:
1) What is the biggest issue facing Hawai’i and what would you do about it?
The biggest issue facing Hawai’i is gentrification. Wealthy, high-income people and foreign investors are paying increasingly high prices for real estate and other products. This drives up housing costs, land and commercial real estate prices, and all other products and services.
This is the result of an outdated, out-of-control, capitalistic socio-economic system, which is creating an ever-widening gap between the wealthy elite and everyone else.
As long as we are tied to this capitalistic profit-driven model, there is not much that can be done to prevent lower-income people being forced off the islands and being replaced with wealthy elite.
A solution could be for Hawai’i, and the United States, to conduct a prototype experiment based on Marco Dondi’s “Monetism,” described in his book Outgrowing Capitalism. Hawai’i would be established as a sovereign kingdom nation with its own monetary system. The United States would be a safety net for both sovereignty and this futuristic democratic, non-capitalistic socio-economic system that could positively impact the world.
This is a way for Hawai’i to be of service to itself, to the United States, and to the world.
Outgrowing Capitalism: Amazon Kindle, $9.99.
Note: Hawaii needs to control immigration and land use rules and regulations. It does not need to be guided by the United States. Hawaii can develop policies better suited to its needs without oversight from the United States. However, a healthy collaboration and partnership relationship would benefit both Hawaii and the United States and could positively impact the world.
"1893 (Newspaper Headlines)
Committee of Safety: White planters and businessmen illegally overthrow the Hawaiian monarchy."
"Lili'uokalani, Queen of Hawaii, sent this memorial to the U.S. House of Representatives protesting U.S. assertion of ownership of Hawaii. On July 7, 1898, the Hawaiian Islands had been annexed with a joint resolution of Congress.
"Queen Lili’uokalani wrote this letter to earnestly and respectfully protest against the assertion of ownership by the United States of America of the so-called Hawaiian Crown Islands amounting to about one million acres," (Actually 4 million acres) and to "call upon the President and the National Legislature and the People of the United States to do justice in this matter and to restore to me this property, the enjoyment of which is being withheld from me by your Government under what must be a misapprehension of my right and title."
In 1887, Lili’uokalani's brother King Kalākaua had been on the throne. A group of non-native U.S. businessmen with sugar interests forced the king to sign a new constitution under the threat of violence. It stripped him of his power and many native Hawaiians of their rights. It came to be known as the "Bayonet Constitution" because King Kalākaua signed it under duress.
When King Kalākaua died in 1891, Lili'uokalani succeeded him. She introduced a new constitution that would restore her power and Hawaiian rights. The move was countered by the "Committee of Safety," a group of non-native U.S. businessmen and politicians with sugar interests. Led by Sanford Dole, they had monetary reasons for doing so – they feared that the United States would establish a tariff on sugar imports, endangering their profits, and wanted to protect Hawaii's free-trade status.
The Committee overthrew Queen Lili'uokalani in a bloodless coup on January 17, 1893, with support from the U.S. Minister to Hawaii and a contingent of Marines. The Committee of Safety proclaimed itself to be the Provisional Government.
When President Grover Cleveland came into office, he appointed special investigator James Blount to look into the events. The Blount Commission found that Lili’uokalani had been overthrown illegally, and ordered that the American flag be lowered from Hawaiian government buildings.
Lili'uokalani never regained power, however. Sanford Dole, leader of the Committee of Safety and the president of the Provisional Government of Hawaii, refused to turn over power. Dole argued that the United States had no right to interfere in the internal affairs of Hawaii. The Provisional Government then proclaimed Hawaii a republic – the Republic of Hawaii – in 1894, with Dole its first president.
For the next several years, Queen Liliuokalani struggled to reinstate the monarchy and to restore the rights and customs of native Hawaiians, with letters like this and a petition from native Hawaiians. Nevertheless, the U.S. annexed Hawaii easily with an American-run government already in power, making it the U.S. Territory of Hawaii in 1898."
Consider that the socially democratic and unicameral-governed Nordic Countries are the happiest-rated countries in the world.
Hawaii can have its own foreign policy that includes peace, unity, and equality for all; Hawaii can represent these values and ideals without the baggage of the United States' historical negative precedents.
Hawaii can have its own immigration policy, controlling and regulating growth and expansion in directions that benefit the people and the islands.
Hawaii can create an economic policy that can include it's own currency and minimum basic income, health care and free education.
Hawaii has a year-round growing season with the potential for Hawaii becoming completely self-sufficient.
Consider an interactive international donation platform to subsidize the tax base and offset the income tax.
Hawaii is known and cared for worldwide. As a free sovereign kingdom-nation without the dark overhead clouds of criminal, colonialist, or a military background, Hawaii will never be alone or isolated from the world.
Hawaii will inspire other people everywhere, as Palestine is inspiring most of the world right now. Will the ways of the Israel-Palestinian genocide become a more acceptable form of colonialism?
I am a visionary! Everyone must take the righteous risk of participating in the islands' future by representing truth and justice for Hawai'i and becoming a Hawaiian-led culture.
As a sovereign Kingdom nation, the wealthy living in Hawaii will be willing to invest more financially in the future of the islands as culturalization expands. One's need to accumulate wealth dissolves as one merges into a greater and more powerfully worthy cause.
King Kamehameha (c 1758, I'm guessing October), Captain Cook's First Lieutenant, wrote (January 1778) about this young Hawaiian as being one of the first to come aboard their ship, and describing in the boat log, of this tall, striking and muscular young man with an intense personality and a seriousness in observing everything. They had no idea what awaited his future, but it all made sense when he united the islands as the first king of Hawai'i. That said, there always seems to be something about one's youth of who we become after we become it. He and I are connected in spirit. An example of a, "Path of truth."
Princess Ka'lulani Lunalilo Kalaninuiahilapalpa Cleghorn - "The royal sacred one" (October 16, 1875) was named after Queen Victoria. Princess Ka'iulani was named Heir Apparent to the Hawaiian Kingdom by Queen Liliukolani, and after her mother's death, she was sent to England at the age of 13 and returned 9 years later in November of 1897 via Washington D.C. in a futile attempt to have the Islands given back. She died March 6th 1899 from pneumonia after catching cold while horseback riding on the Big Island. Some say she died of a broken heart. It is my belief she would have established a government similar to the United Kingdom. There was a spiritual energy from the islander's encounter with Captain Cook that has never dissipated.
Haunani-Kay Trask (October 3, 1949 - July 3, 2021.) "We will die as Hawaiians. We will never be Americans."
She was a Native Hawaiian activist, educator, author, poet, and leader of the Hawaiian sovereignty movement. She was professor emerita at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa.
After reading her book shortly after I arrived to live in Hawai'i full time in late November 2016, I tried to meet with her just to be in her energy space, but it was not meant to be. In my heart, she and I are connected.
Born September 2nd, 1838, Honolulu, Hawaii, died November 11, 1917. Was the first and only reigning Hawaiian queen (Ten days beyond being Libra).
Her brother, King Kalakaua, the "Happy King", was forced to sign a revised constitution, the Bayonette Constitution, which gave power and authority to the Committee of Safety. Queen Lilioukalani was revising that constitution when the Committee of Safty along with 162 armed and bayonetted U.S. Marines took over the palace and locked the queen in her bedroom for eight months while Sanford Dole wrote a new constitution giving him and the committee full power and control of, the islands.
In her letter to President William McKinley 1875:
"I declare such a treaty to be an act of -wrong toward the native and part-native people of Hawaii, an invasion of the rights of the ruling chiefs, in violation of international rights both toward my people and toward friendly nations with whom they have made treaties, the perpetuation of the fraud whereby the ...:"
“This action on my part was prompted by three reasons: The futility of a conflict with the United States; the desire to avoid violence, bloodshed, and the destruction of life and property; and the certainty which I feel that you and your government will right whatever wrongs may have been inflicted on us in the premises.” ("Hawaii’s Story", page 395)
I am with my beloved Bruno (2006), rebuilding the deck of my Yacats, Oregon cabin that was in my family for more than 50 years. I was forced to sell it during my second divorce. I left everything behind to live here. I'm in touch with my sister but no other family.
Memorable statements from my two wives: First wife - "Your greatest ideas have cost us almost everything." Close! In the mid 80's I was making 225k per year exporting wood products to Western Europe.
Second Wife: "You have to make a joke out of everything." Not quite true, but close enough. I replied, "why not?"
Now, I talk mostly to dogs.
My maternal grandmother was Helen Victoria Lyon, the third generation of Queen Elizabeth the First. I have also been told that I am related to Henry Loyd Lyon.
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Hawai'i - "The Courage to Change."
2790 Kahaloa Drive, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, United States
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