I was born in Eugene, Oregon, on October 4th, 1946. I graduated from North Eugene High School in 1964 and the University of Oregon in 1974 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and minors in Philosophy and Economics. In 1990 I attended one year of graduate school in counseling psychology at Lewis n Clark College in Portland.
My wife, two children, and I moved to Portland, where I had earlier that year interviewed and was hired (providing I finished college) by a Portland plywood wholesale company, Hearin Forest Industries.
My first position was Inventory Controller for two substantial dry kiln facilities, one in Eugene and the other in Arcatia, California. I was also responsible for confirming all log truck tallies and board footages at all stages of production at the two dry kilns and at four sawmills Hearin owned or were contracted with.
The country was in a bad recession in the late fall, and Hearin ended up selling everything except the Eugene dry kiln/planning mill facility. I was offered a posting back in Eugene at the dry kilns or I could go onto the trading floor, in a bad market, on a thirty-day trial period. If I did not make it there, I was out. Close to the end of the trial period, I sold my first order to Jerome, Idaho, a highly mixed truckload of plywood. My trial period was extended. At the end of four years, I was the top salesperson out of eleven-floor traders, all of whom had years of experience over me.
Good money if you can survive waking up every day without knowing if you would make any money that day. Cold calling and knowing what a couple of dozen mills wanted to sell and what possibly fifty customers wanted to buy. The people I quoted were older, experienced, seasoned and often the owners of small and large companies, not to be fooled with. They could read you like a book, as the saying goes. Once you lie, you're done. You find the right mix of products, prices, terms and shipping and arrival dates that works for each customer. You gotta know their business and know the products that work best for them. And you gotta know the mills and what they are making or, more importantly, what they want to make if you can find a buyer. Each mill has its own product formula with the available product mix changing daily.
After five years, I started my own company, Ridgewood Forest Products, with a partner, Larry Buelan who was older and with in three short years got us into a little trouble with over $200k in uncollected receivables through a subsiderary company we started in Sacramento that Larry was managing. The sales manager at the Sac office was not upfront or clear about his recievables and within a couple of months we were in the hole 200k. You could buy a new house with 1800 sqft for $55-60K.
We had a silent partner accountant who, with me, went to the S. Cal customer where we were able to set up a payment plan and collected all our money over the next few months, only because of favorable market conditions. Larry was older and more experienced than me, but with the encouragement and insistence of our silent partner, I became the company CEO. I did not like having doing this, which was humiliating for Larry, so after eighteen months more, I resigned agreeing to a weak settlement for myself. Ridgewood never fully recovered from our break-up and after another ten years, and hundreds of money wasted away, closed their doors.
I went to work for Wood International Corporation, exporting plywood and lumber to Western Europe, which involved arranging ocean vessels and estimating freight tonnage months in advance. Overseeing shipping documents including Bills of Lading and collecting money based on Cash Against Documents. If there was a problem I would be on a plane to a Westerm European Country. One customer was able to have documents released from his bank without paying the required $50k invoice, so he was able to take his wood without paying us. After sever weeks of back and forth my wife and I were on a plane for Amsterdam. Great restaurant dinner with two of the company owners and was able to collect the 50K without committing to their proposal they were trying to force onto us. Only promising to look into when back in the states.
Before exporting with Wood International, I tried commodity trading for a couple of years. Because of my wood experience, another person, Glen, and I were allotted eight million to basis trade the plywood and lumber commodity contracts. To complicated to explain here.
Eventually, I started my own small, yet diverse wood products business working from my home office, Mico LLC, which I sold eight years ago, during my second divorce and moved to Hawaii. I still help out with douglas fir flooring, paneling and timber sales, as well as with purchases and marketing.
In 1979 I became enamored with tai-chi and began studying with world-renowned Gregory Fong, deceased, wearing the black t-shirt in the above-Home Page featured picture, was my teacher for 10 years. We became very close friends, and we both knew at about nine years our relationship was winding down. After one Saturday class, he approached me privately so no one else would hear, and said, "If you go away for ten years and when you come back, I recognize your tai-chi, you aren't doing tai chi. This was a statement I at first did not take to heart, but over time, it became one of the most profound things anyone has ever said to me. His point was that you follow your teacher as best you can, but eventually, you need to practice on your own. The purpose of life is to become your own true self, not a copy of someone else.
In 1990 I came to Hawai'i to stay one week at the Taoist, Tai-Hsuan Temple in Aina Hina. I arrived with a sleeping bag, rented a convertible, thinking I would sight see the island. Late on the first day here on a Friday afternoon I met Dr. Lily Siou who happened to show up unexpectedly at her Pucs Alley acupuncture clinic where I had been instructed to meet with a student who was to explain things and show me around. She and I made an instant connection, and I left with a plan where I was to come into the clinic around 10:00 am every morning where I was assigned a small treatment room and she would come in between treating patients and teach me sections, one at a time, until around 4:00 or 5:00 pm each day. Over the next seven days, I learned the entire sitting style of chi-kung and was taught a sacred Taoist healing practice for healing myself and others. Over the years, when I was able to be with her and she would be leading a group of us in one of the sitting forms she would always find a space to include her favorite taoist statement; "Water runs to the lowest places and nourishes."
In 1998, I went through a very painful separation from my second wife, and one day, in abject suffering, I called Dr. Siou and asked if I could stay at her temple for a few months. I arrived in late September and ended up studying one semester of acupunture, which turned out not to be for me, mostly because as doctors they work inside all day. I could not live like that here in Hawaii.
Everyday after practicing chi-kung in the temple I would go to Kapiolanin Park where after a few weeks I met a very remarkable Yoga teacher, Barat Das, who's in the picture above, wearing a black t-shirt and sitting in a prayer mudra. I was just sitting down for class when I snapped this pretty cool picture. We got to be good friends and although I went back to Oregon in February, I continued to come to Hawai'i two or three times a year to visit both teachers, and do volunteer work at the temple and to practice chi-kung, tai-chi and also yoga with Das every weekday 5:30-7:00 pm, and every weekend 8:00 am to at least 11:00 am or later. About fifteen years ago on a HI-visit, he, Boo Boo and I were walking to the parking lot and I said to him, "I think I've figured out that the purpose of the universe is to create life, but I dont know what the purpose of life is." After a few seconds he responded, "The purpose of life is to pray." In the moment, that seemed a fairly simplistice reply, but like Gregory Fong's comment to me and Dr. Lily Sou's statement, I've never forgotten.
A few months after moving to Honolulu in November of 2016, I had an experience late at night after an empowering yoga class earlier that evening. I felt the need for a deeper spiritual experience so at 2:00 am I found myself searching for yoga retreat centers. In the process, I remembered in the early 80's I had take a Yogananda correspondence course through the Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) after my first reading of Autobiography of a Yogi. By accident or fate, I came across Ananda Village in Nevada City, California. They offered a one month workshop participation retreat for $650.00, thousands less than the other yoga centers. The next day I called thinking there prices were a mistake. They weren't, and I signed up for a one month retreat. Over the next twenty-four months, I went to Ananda for a total of three months. At the end of 2017, I became a Yogananda Devotee, but because of circumstances, have not been back since. The three books I read as bibles are: (1) Autobiography of a Yogi (5 times), (2) The New Path by Swami Kriyananda (4 times), Swami Kriyananda, (3) Lightbarer (2 times). Autobiography of a Yogi is the book Steve Jobs read once a year and had a copy of that book placed on every chair at his funereal. The Ananda version includes a chapter 49 that Yogananda wrote a couple of years after the original publication and that was never included by the SRF group. The short chapter 49 is invaluable.
Comment: For almost two years, partly during Coved, I attended a Christian church on Oahu. I loved the congregation but avoided listening to the sermons, which I found to be mostly judgmental. Years ago, I read the Bible cover to cover but did not understand most of it. I believe Jesus was real and significant, but everything about him is way too old for me to follow or feel connected to.
I respect all religions as everyone is trying to get to the same place. I have slept in Buddhist Temples and have had several Buddhist friends, but I am not a Buddhist, even though I love their intentions. I have lived for weeks and months at a time in a Taoist Temple here in Hawaii and I have Taoist friends, but I am not a taoist perse. I have many Christian friends but I am not a Christian. I believe Jesus, Mohamad and Buddha and others like them were all God Realized persons, yes, even Buddha himself. I only talk to God. I put my attention in my chest and feel connected to God. It does not matter to me what anyone believes as long as they do no harm. I believe all human beings in one way or another are searching for God. Even the atheists. It is my opinion that God does not care what we read think or belive. All that matters to God is what is in our heart. Our brain and mind are more about the body and this world, and the mind and heart are more about the soul and other worlds. We are here to love and be loved and to search, (not believe), for God.
"I might not be a nice person, but I am a good person." Denzel Washington to showcase a premium service.case a premium service.
In my life, I have broken a few hearts and have had my heart broken a few times, and I can honestly say I prefer having my heart broken. I wrote and created this comic book story after having my heart broken. You can see pictures of the real Spike and Lucy (not their real names), on the featured website picture above. Spike sits up front of the turtle, and Lucy checks out the turtle's back. They were seven when I saw them last, and now they must be 14 or 15.
The girls comic book name: For several days, I struggled with names when I finally recalled an incident from the summer before when we were on a family outing driving north to Newport, Oregon. It was a fairly warm day for Oregon, and we were getting near our lake destination, and the girls were getting cranky. I suggested they think of a pretend name they would like and right away one shouted, Spike! I want to be called Spike. My wife (their grandma) and I looked at each other like, where did that come from? The other (they are twins) said, "I like my name - I dont want to change my name," and was close to tears. I said, "You dont have to change your name - its only pretend. She repeated, "I'm not changing my name, I like my name." "Ok, ok, dont get upset, you don't have to change your name." A few minutes went by with their grandma and me talking with Spike, when suddenly a shout - , "Lucy! I want to be called Lucy." Appropriate names and a good memory.
Because the island of Oahu is being destroyed by development and is a necessary base for the U.S. military, Oahu could remain a state, and the outer islands could become sovereign first. All Hawaiian citizens of Oahu and all outer island citizens would have dual citizenship. Non-Hawaiian Oahu citizens could apply for dual citizenship based on specific criteria. The Hawaiian government is overly interested in growth, which is reaching its capacity. We need alternatives.I have a college graduate friend who is now cleaning swimming pools and tells me that of the 400 pools under contract, 70-80% are not lived in. One wealthy couple living in a mansion-type home owns 3 or 4 other empty mini-mansions where he cleans pools. I've been told foreign money pays asking for Kakaaka condos they don't live in or even see. Just a way to move money from their country to the United States. This is also a reason for higher real estate prices. If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
The world comprises individuals who function within groups and communities through collaboration.
Within Hawai'i sovereignty, I am proposing a collaboration within the Hawaiian community that is more relevant to Hawaii's needs and wants than Hawaii as a state of the united states.
The same holds for the continental United States, so I am promoting a more collaborative rather than competitive unicameral legislative process.
Capitalism (materialism) has run it's course. The future does not have enough work for everyone. Everyone deserves a right to life and not be cast out or made to feel worthless or inadequate. Some people just do not fit in to what is happening. A minimum livable income is due everyone. Capitalism results in the mass accumulation of wealth by a few. Money needs to be spread out amongst everyone in one way or another. Materialism needs to shift towards spiritualism for the world to survive, or we will continue genocide practices like in Palestine. For instance, if we can form an independent Hawaiian Kingdom Nation with a government similar to the UK, except with a unicameral legislature, we can progress peacefully and spiritually and move beyond the greed formula goals of pure capitalism. When people are at peace within themselves, money loses its attraction. When people learn to love life, themselves, and God, they lose interest in money as being the primary objective of life, and it becomes replaced with happiness.
The planet's survival zone is shrinking. Hawaii is in the survival zone and all potential food-growing land should be turned into food-growing coops and communities.
The next generation will be renters at the mercy of investors.
There are affordable housing (apartments) projects in Honolulu with rent schedules of $2,300 - $2,800 per month. Capitalism is failing the majority.
The kingdom is the land and the land is the kingdom, not to be owned. It could be repurchased at tax-assessed value and leased in perpetuity. The kingdom will control all the land. The land should no longer be an investment for the wealthy. Capitalism is not working for the majority.
Let Lahaina inspire and empower a new direction towards true human values and solidarity. Let's not allow what happened in Lahaina to have been in vain!
Right here, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, the center of the world, facing into the universe and into the eyes of God.
I will strongly argue the United States has an obligation to give back Hawaiii, including buying back all of the privately held land based on tax-assessed values. The land could be leased back to the previous owners in perpetuity based on lot and house sizes, value, and a personal situation formula. Selling leases for a profit will not be allowed. There could be penalties and lease rate increases when properties are sold for profits or above the cost of living increases.
This will inject money into the new Hawai'i economy, propelling the revised kingdom-nation forward. Hawai'i could have its own currency and become a self-sustaining peaceful kingdom-nation.
As an independent kingdom-nation, Hawai'i can control immigration and stop island gentrification.
For the sake of the children, we must realize that the world will not change for the better on its own. If you have children, you should be overly concerned about the future of Hawaii. Hawaii can stand on its own. We do not need to be tethered to America. The world will support Hawaii like it is now supporting Palestine!
The population of Hawai'i is 1.442 million as of 2021. 260,000 Hawaiian resident children are under the age of 15.
Again, worldwide, 25,000 human beings, including 10,000 children, die from starvation.......every day!
Give it Back
Hawai'i should simply and peacefully be given back. No voting. It is illogical and wrong to take over a sovereign monarchy nation and then hold a "Free and Fair" election to determine if that stolen nation should become a territory and a state of the United States, especially when the majority of the voters were not native to the Kingdom. This is not democracy!
The islands were stolen by a small group of greedy, mostly white American descended businessmen with the help of 162 armed and bayonetted marines from the USS Boston. Hawai'i was later voted into statehood, mostly by people from whom Hawai'i was not stolen.
We can obtain:
1) Sovereignty.
2) Universal health care.
3) Self-sustaining agriculture.
4) Basic minimum income.
5) And a Hawaiian currency and Central Bank.
The present capitalistic model will not sustain future generations.
Corporate Greed
Verizon..................143 Billion net worth.
Costco...................245 Billion net worth.
Lows......................134 Billion net worth.
Home Depot...........318 Billion net worth.
Walmart.................440 Billion net worth.
Tesla......................891 Billion net worth.
Microsoft.............2,297 Billion net worth.
Apple...................2,299 Billion net worth.
Amazon............... 1.5 - 3 + Trillion net worth.
From Stories of Hawai'i - 1915 (Spoken by a local at the time):
"They came like lambs speaking softly........today all the islands are theirs, all the land, all the cattle - everything is theirs.........They who had nothing now have everything."
To avoid an outbreak of violence, Queen Lili‘uokalani abdicated the throne. She explained her decision in a statement to President Benjamin Harrison:
“This action on my part was prompted by three reasons: The futility of a conflict with the United States; the desire to avoid violence, bloodshed, and the destruction of life and property; and the certainty which I feel that you and your government will right whatever wrongs may have been inflicted on us in the premises.” ("Hawaii’s Story", page 395)
Joint Resolution Apology Bill Public Law 103-150 Nov 23, 1993
"President Bill Clinton signs legislation apologizing for the U.S. role in the 1893 overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy."
The survival of the human race requires that we move away from materialism and toward spiritualism and move away from land by making living on the water more accessible. Personal and universal peace and happiness can exist without defeating, competing, conquering and winning. We need to consider the ways of the ancients and put our attention on becoming a community of like minded individuals and take up activities like building sailing vessels, cleaning the beaches and oceans, managing our fisheries, gardening, education and other meaningful activities. Everyone should have inexpensive access to the ocean, including living on board boats with safe and secure harbor shopping and facilities. The oceans are rising and we will be losing more oceanside lands. We can learn to live more on the water.
we are separate
we are one!"
Hawai'i - "The Courage to Change."
2790 Kahaloa Drive, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, United States
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